
Most frequent questions and answers

No.Use our contact form or email us directly to provide your contact information.We'll contact you right away.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

Yes! When a client or customer works with us, we make a lifetime support promise that lasts until her pleasure.In the event that one of our clients or customers has a problem in the future, we must resolve it without charging them anything additional or extraneous.

We accept all image file types, including JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF, TIFF, EPS, RAW, PSD, and GIF.Just let us know which members you want sent, please.


Prior the completion of the work, payment is not necessary. You first anticipate receiving your finished job and conduct some initial inspections. If you are satisfied with the finished product, we will send you an invoice with all the information. Bank transfer is one of the acceptable payment ways for us.

We can typically offer a very competitive fee for your job considering high quality jobs because it is located in a country with low labor costs (Bangladesh).

Yes, absolutely, the Quality Control Department (Q.C. Dept.) is specifically responsible for examining the image's quality. Without first having our Quality Control Department review it, we never deliver a single photograph.

We work six days a week for a set amount of time (24 hours, three shifts). It's our weekend on Sunday. But we have a 24/7 customer service. Try us!

We are qualified. None of the pictures you order are revealed or shared by us. We can sign the NDA document if you would like.

Yes! The query regarding the finished jobs is an excellent one. But discussing our work is quite infrequent. Due to the fact that we hire highly qualified DTP professionals to complete your task. If there is an issue with our work, please email us right away and let us know. We'll look into it and work with our supervisor to have it fixed within the allotted period and at no additional cost.
But if you're still unhappy with the work we accomplished. You won't be charged anything by us.